What's the most important part of a resume? ResumeJustine L.T. ChuaApril 4, 2020academe, corporate, leadership Comment
What’s more impressive, internship experience or school achievements in a resume? ResumeJustine L.T. ChuaJuly 24, 2019examples, Job Hunting, life adviceComment
As a fresh grad, can my resume be 2 pages or more? ResumeJustine L.T. ChuaJune 29, 2018recruiters, life advice Comment
What’s 1 thing I can do to improve my resume today? ResumeJustine L.T. ChuaApril 3, 2018examples, Job Hunting, life advice, resume Comment
Should I include my photo in my resume? ResumeJustine L.T. ChuaMarch 8, 2018feedback, photo, templateComment
What's the difference between a CV and a resume? ResumeJustine L.T. ChuaJanuary 22, 2018CV, internship, resumes, templateComment
How to fix your resume in 1 hour ResumeJustine L.T. ChuaJuly 19, 2017feedback, freebie, recommendationsComment
How do you write a successful cover letter ResumeJustine L.T. ChuaJune 22, 2016cover letter, formula, resume, templateComment
14.5 things you didn’t realize had resume value ResumeJustine L.T. ChuaFebruary 7, 2016examples, template Comments