Hello there, I’m Justine, and thank you for wanting to know more about me!
I started this blog writing about interning and job hunting for Gen Z, because back in 2015, as a 19 year old with terrible grades and a 5 month summer ahead, I decided that interning was the way to go.
Unfortunately there were no guides online on how to do so in Manila. Everything written didn’t feel like it came from someone who actually lived through it. To solve that problem, I decided to start writing down what I learned for everyone who came after me.
Hopefully my experiences would help them and you in some way~
Thanks to the blog, I’ve helped hundreds of Gen Z Filipinos, both directly and indirectly, get to their dream jobs. Some have gone to the top FMCGs in the Philippines, others to masters program abroad (like in Germany, Japan, Australia), and some to the most esoteric of establishments.
(The 2 most interesting for me are working as the art curator for a private collection of an Australian and as a South East Asia policy writer in Washington, D.C.)
Now it’s evolved as I have so I’m excited to see where it goes next.
But you came here to know a bit more about me.
On the personal front, the first thing you need to know is that I love taking assessments. So, in a nutshell, I’m
Myer Briggs: ENTP
Strengths Finder: Positivity, Activator, Communication, Woo, Adaptability
Enneagram: 8 (The Challenger)
HBDI: Yellow (Big Picture)
The second thing you need to know is my education history.
Rotterdam School of Management
Masters of Business Administration (MBA)
Ateneo de Manila University
BS Management major in Communications Technology
Immaculate Conception Academy
Kinder to High School
I graduated with the equivalence of a B from all institutions.
So for those with average GPA’s, it’s not the end of your career life. I am living proof that it’s not just those with amazing grades that get great opportunities. But it is a sign that you need to put in a lot more effort to get noticed.
The last thing you need to know about me are the facts that back up why you can listen to me.
I was a Unilever Management Trainee, splitting my time from being an IT Project Manager for global
Other fun facts about me:
I’m ethnically Chinese, but born and raised in the Philippines. And I took a DNA test that confirmed I am still 100% Chinese.
Yes, I am incredibly noisy on Twitter. But to be fair, I am even more noisy in real life. And my voice is super high + I talk super fast so it makes everything much worse. (My old IG handle was talkslikeamachinegun and no one batted an eyelash at it lol.)
I co-founded a shoe brand that sells handmade Marikina leather shoes for men, called Leviathan Shoes.
At 26, I moved to the Netherlands to pursue my MBA with my partner despite not having ever gone to Europe, having no family in Europe.
And that’s it. Thanks for reading!