What are important things you wish you knew before interning? Internship FAQJustine L.T. ChuaJune 29, 2018bosses, commuting, flexible schedule, templateComment
What do we need to know about internships? Internship FAQJustine L.T. ChuaJune 29, 2018internship, self-exploration, templateComment
Should I include my photo in my resume? ResumeJustine L.T. ChuaMarch 8, 2018feedback, photo, templateComment
What's the difference between a CV and a resume? ResumeJustine L.T. ChuaJanuary 22, 2018CV, internship, resumes, templateComment
6 criteria to use for judging if something's worth the resume value - #DearTBC #DearTBCJustine L.T. ChuaJanuary 11, 2018Annicka Koteh, case competition, competitions, life advice, resume, templateComment
5 productive things to do if you're a funemployed fresh grad - #DearTBC #DearTBC, Job HuntingJustine L.T. ChuaAugust 17, 2017fresh grad, networking, life advice, templateComment
How do you write a successful cover letter ResumeJustine L.T. ChuaJune 22, 2016cover letter, formula, resume, templateComment
How to find the “right” company to apply to? Job HuntingJustine L.T. ChuaMarch 21, 2016template Comments
What’s the biggest mistakes you see people make when preparing for interviews? InterviewJustine L.T. ChuaMarch 12, 2016template Comment