How do I answer situational questions? 10 examples with a right and wrong answer Interview, Job HuntingJustine ChuaMarch 18, 2025interviews, examples
How do I answer "What's your salary expectations?" Interview, Job HuntingJustine ChuaMarch 29, 2020salary, interviews, examples
What do I need to research before going into an interview? InterviewJustine L.T. ChuaDecember 16, 2018questions, life advice, job application, phone interviewComment
How to quickly find your strengths and weaknesses - #DearTBC #DearTBC, InterviewJustine L.T. ChuaJune 11, 2017interviews, recommendationsComment
6 habits of my fail-proof pre-interview routine InterviewJustine L.T. ChuaApril 14, 2016interviews, routine Comments
What’s the biggest mistakes you see people make when preparing for interviews? InterviewJustine L.T. ChuaMarch 12, 2016template Comment
9 tips for your next phone interview InterviewJustine L.T. ChuaFebruary 21, 2016freebie, interviews, phone interviewComment
What should I keep in mind before my next interview? InterviewJustine L.T. ChuaFebruary 4, 2016interviews, templateComment