Hey there! Ready to level up your career for good?

Then Work With Me is perfect for you~

I’m super excited to work with you in sharpening your job hunting strategy to be the best it can possibly be! That way you’ll go from applying for a dozen jobs and praying you won’t get ghosted to messaging back recruiters on LinkedIn every week that you’re only going to consider leaving your job for one that starts at least 25% higher than your current salary.

🔥 Last Chance: Lock in My Current Rates Before April 1! 🔥

My coaching rates are increasing on April 1, 2025 to reflect the value and results my students are getting. If you've been thinking about working with me, this is your last chance to book at the current rate before it goes up!

📅 Deadline: March 31, 2025
🎯 Applies to: Job Hunting Consultation and 1:1 Coffee Chat

P.S. Clients who book before the deadline will still receive coaching at the current price, even if their sessions take place in April.


You keep waiting for the perfect time to start. It’s not that you don’t want to achieve your career goals—you just don’t feel like you’re ready yet. The problem is, something keeps getting in your way.

😩 You keep second-guessing yourself. What if this is your best possible situation already? What if you put in all this effort and it ends up just like last time? All the unknown factors are holding you back.

😬 You’re afraid you’re not maximizing your potential. You’re worried your current salary isn’t matching up to the work you do and the results you bring. Is it even market competitive?

👀 You’re jealous of other people’s career moves. You see their “I’m thrilled to announce…” posts on LinkedIn and think that you could do better than them — but you don’t know where to start.

🥺 You want guidance from someone who gets it. It’s always been “me, myself, & I” plus trial & error method for you. But if someone could just understand your unique situation and tell you exactly what to do, then you can finally stop overthinking every single teeny tiny decision.


I don’t know why companies aren’t replying to my applications?

❓ I keep getting to the final interview, but I haven’t received any job offers, what am I doing wrong?

❓ I’m getting job offers lower than the expected salary I shared in the interview, do I just accept it or negotiate for more?

❓ I want Certain Company to notice me, and have already applied 3+ times, but they’re still not replying to me, what else should I be doing?

I don’t know what kind of job I want to do, but I do know that I want to get a high-paying job (that preferably lets me work from home), and I need help figuring this out.

❓ I know exactly where I want to work, but I don’t know if I can get in, who can I consult about the possibility of me getting in there?

❓ Everyone keeps telling me to just stay in Industry A, but I really want to be in Industry B, how do I make a move into Industry B?


What’s Work With Me - Job Hunting Consultation?

It’s how you’ll reach whatever career goals you want as quickly and simply as possible.

No more guessing if what you’re doing is right. No more vague and unhelpful advice that you don’t know how to apply to your own job hunt.

This is the only time where I teach, coach, and give direct feedback on your end-to-end job hunting strategy, which means your

  • masterfile resume and customized 1-pagers,

  • LinkedIn and portfolio (be it a website or a PDF),

  • job hunting application strategy which includes the jobs you apply for, where you find them, and how you will apply to them,

  • interview answers as we will do mock interviews and salary negotiations.

Plus, anytime you have a question, like “Is ThisJob something I really want to do or something I feel pressured to do?” and “What else could I possibly do if not ThisJob?”, we can and will be finding the answers to it.

To help guide you, I have built the ultimate bundle of my job hunting templates + written guides + hands-on direct coaching, so you have everything you need to reach your career goals as quickly as possible. It’s 7+ years of knowledge distilled down into the essentials and arranged for easy access. You aren’t getting 100+ pages of font size 10 and single line spacing to read; you are getting the 1-page summary with multiple examples that’s easy to copy, paste, and edit.

By the end of our sessions, all the questions you asked are not only answered, but you have a framework on how to answer similar ones in the future. And we’ve crafted clear plans for you to reach your next career goals, even if they take place years after we’ve finished our consultation.


Some notable places that my former students have gone to

I surveyed a list of 20 people who knew me for the most recognizable names of my students’ employers, and this was the top 25.

What’s WWM-JHC like? What’s the program?

Through Work With Me – Job Hunting Consultation (or WWM-JHC for short), you’ll be guided in achieving whatever goals we agree on in our career clarity call in as little time as possible. And the best part? You don’t have to worry about thinking whether what you’re doing is right or wrong; all you have to do is execute the plan and see the results.

What has WWM-JHC achieved:

I’ve helped over 470+ people, from students and fresh grads to stay-at-home-moms and 3+ years unemployed people, land interview offers immediately after working with me.

  • 43 fresh grads received offers from top management trainee programs.

  • 72 were accepted to a masters program abroad, usually with a 20-150% scholarship. (Myself and my partner included; I used this same method for us to do a MBA in the Netherlands.)

  • 4 were accepted into top international consulting companies (the MBBs).

  • 39 accepted job offers abroad, with relocation bonuses as they left the Philippines.

  • 230 working professionals accepted job offers at least 20% more than previous compensation.

  • … and more! Feel free to ask me about your ideal end goals and I’ll let you know if I’ve worked on anything similar. (Chances are, yes I have.)

My students receive more job offers within 1 month of working with me (without even finishing all our calls) than in the months when they were previously searching on their own.

Their new problem is usually having to choose which among their job offers is best for them. Or that recruiters won’t stop messaging them on LinkedIn with new opportunities. (Great problems to have, in my opinion!)

Seriously, here’s my student complaining about the recruiters messaging constantly

Definitely one of my funniest conversations with a student ever

Work With Me - Job Hunting Consultation is a structured program where we methodically go through every aspect of job hunting (LinkedIn, interviews, salary negotiating, networking, actually thinking about what job you want, skill building, etc.) to reach your end goals.

Here you will:

180 mins of calls where we go over your resume & everything else in your job hunt

240 mins of calls where we go over your resume, interview answers, & everything else in your job hunt

Zip file full of templates and guides on writing your masterfile resume + all the basic know-how of job hunting

Templates and guides on writing your masterfile resume + all the basic know-how of job hunting

Optimized Linkedin and understanding of how job hunting sites work

Optimized Linkedin and understanding of how job hunting sites work

👉 Call for a total of 240 minutes (or 4 hours) with me, where we will go over your total job hunting process and discuss any and every question or problem you have so that you get invited to quality interviews ASAP.

👉 Receive resume templates and guidelines on how to create both your masterfile and your targeted resume. You won’t have to worry about what you’re writing as I’ll be guiding you throughout the whole process to make the best possible version of your resume.

👉 Translate that masterfile into a standout LinkedIn profile from the summary to the skills to the about section and headline. We’ll make sure you don’t fall into the common pitfalls others make, and that we maximize your first impression to recruiters forever.

👉 Practice answering 4 types of interview questions and negotiating your salary so that you’re prepared anytime HR calls. You won’t have that shaky nervous voice, while you tell them how much you’re expecting to earn in this next role.

👉 Clarify where your targeted resumes are aiming for through a basic career coaching session (which will be incorporated throughout our 240 mins). I’ll be guiding you through a series of questions and reflections to help you figure out what you should and shouldn’t be doing in your career.

👉 Learn how to effectively craft your story and why you’re one of the best candidates for this job to hiring managers. (Which is critical in getting them to consider you for an interview ASAP.) We’ll incorporate that story into your cover letters, interview answers, resumes, and LinkedIn profile.

👉  Understand how to stand out from every other jobseeker applying to the same jobs as you. What’s your specific offer, and how to convey that to hiring managers. This means looking into your strengths and weaknesses and checking how they match up against the jobs you’re looking at.

👉  Maintain a realistic outlook on both your prospects and the job market. This means that I won’t lie to you about your chances of reaching your goal. I will gently tell you if you’re being delusional and guide you to a feasible outcome.

And if I can’t give a proper assessment, I’ll teach you how to reach out to others who can give that assessment, specifically in introducing yourself and then in asking questions to them.

"Before receiving Justine's templates and going through the consultations, I was at a crossroads on the next step I wanted to pursue and I didn't have a lot of confidence with how I've crafted my resume to look for my next job. She provided honest insights and tips in our consultations that I put a lot of value on and have given me a clearer understanding of the next step I should take.

I appreciate how genuine she is when it comes to giving me pieces of advice to put myself out there. I really think we all need a Justine in our lives to push ourselves to go for the right direction that will help our individual careers.

Talking to her has increased my accountability to work harder towards my goal, and the templates have been a huge help in polishing my resume and creating value out of it. The homework after every consultation has helped me a lot as well to break down the next steps and put my goal into perspective.

I've been reading her blog long before I availed of her templates, and I've been convinced since that Justine would be able to help me out. Working with her proved me right."

- Joyce F., UST 2016, marketing consultant who transitioned to creative director

What Do I Expect From You?

To listen, understand, and apply what I say. If you want to see success quickly, I’ve found that the students who landed job offers with companies they love came to me with a sense of urgency and a ton of motivation to get on their new career track ASAP.  

That means

  • doing the homework

  • following up if you don’t understand something and need me to explain it in a different way

  • researching for jobs and industries you want to go into logically

  • asking questions and being proactive

In short, they were committed to learning my approach, and they understood that this is an investment in their future career development. They knew that they needed to put in the work to get better results than everyone else and they were ok with that.

They also knew that a great, risky job today that was aligned with their future plans makes loads more sense than a so-so, “safe” job that keeps them from going after their bigger goals. But finding that great, risky job and landing that great, risky job were 2 different challenges they didn’t want to fail at. Hence why they came to me.

So long as you follow my guidance, ask questions, and do your homework, our short time together will help you figure out what that great job is, and how you’re going to reach it.  

Despite having freelance experience & co-curricular activities before graduating, I still had a lot of anxieties when it comes to job-hunting.

How can you strategically nitpick your experience since high school and college into (ideally) one page? Knowing that CVs and resumes are the first impressions of every company you send it to, especially if your ideal industry is known to be very competitive. How can you stand out?

Applying for TBC's Work With Me-Job Hunting Consultation is one of my best career preparation decisions I ever made. I was able to determine achievements that I didn’t even realize I had before. There were other factors that I didn’t know had so much value, that I honestly wish I was able to place in my resume when I was applying for my internship.

Ever since those consultations, I also realized that I had bad habits of not saving portfolio-worthy collaterals in my Gdrive and not properly quantifying everything I did to further prove my achievements. Justine also clarified misleading resume advice that others gave me before.

In a week, I received 6 invitations for interviews, 1 invitation for an exam, and 12 replies from emails for company career event invitations, & confirmations that my resume is forwarded to their superiors (HR Executive, Managing Director, Executive Creative Director, & so on). I 100% recommend Job Hunting Consultations from Justine as it is guaranteed great progress in job hunting.

- Jas Sapida, DLSU-Dasmarinas 2018, former freelancer transitioning to a full time job; 6 interviews, and 12 replies from cold emails in one week

This is NOT the right program for you IF:  

❌ You think you already know how to write your resume and are not open to changing it. (And subsequently answer interview questions using that resume, plus strategize your job search with said resume) on your own. If you do, I don’t need to help you! Thanks for clicking on the page though~

❌ You expect a guaranteed job offer at the end of our time together. Self-explanatory.

I’m not the 1st person to tell you that there are no guarantees with anything in life. But I can promise you’ll see progress and improvement in your job search after working with me.

I can also tell you that many of my students successfully landed job offers before the end of our time together, sometimes even after just our 1st call as a result of using some of my strategies. Usually by the 3rd call they already have the offer and we’re just meeting to discuss salary negotiating and next steps.

I’m invested in your success so I’m giving you my best tips throughout our time together. Still up to you though to make it happen.

You expect me to do all the work for you. That means the writing, the research, the thinking behind every detail. I’m very involved, and will give you the theory and templates behind every step. But I’m not your outsourced resume writer. There’s a lot that I’ll teach you, but you have to do your part and homework, if you want to see real results. This is your career after all.

You don’t like being told what to do. A lot of this will be me explaining the thinking or process behind the task, then showing you how to do something with an example. You’ll take over after that. 

The end goal is for me to explain how things work to you, and then you applying all that for me to see that you’ve understood it. The secondary end goal is for you to learn how to do this so when it’s time to update your resume, you don’t need my help.

You don’t see the value in investing in your personal development. My services are highly specialized and customized. We don’t just fix your resume, we go through your entire job hunting game plan and your career strategy for the next 1-2 years. Once we start working together, I will be extremely invested in your growth. Maybe even more invested than most of your friends.

After signing up, we’ll schedule a career clarity call that helps me learn more about your situation and what help you need. We’ll craft our calls around your specific situation. We will go in-depth on what your perceived job hunting problems are and how to solve them.

So I’m only looking to work with people who recognize the value of investing in themselves and are willing to put in the time and effort to do so.

I don’t believe in a dream job. I don’t think people dream of work and all the problems they’ll face because of it.

I believe in a dream life, where your job [which makes up 1/3 of your life] helps you reach whatever that is.

Our goal is to land you a job that you don’t actively hate, or even dislike. It should be something that is interesting, engaging, and most importantly, pays you well.
— something I say to all students. Nobody dreams of working for top companies; they dream of the environment, status, and benefits they will get from working there.

Every peso was well spent when I reached out to Justine if she could help out in fixing my resume. Fast forward to today, I was able to secure a final interview with one of the hardest FMCGs to get into and I owe everything to her because she went beyond the editing of my resume. She was with me every step of the process and I couldn’t thank her enough for answering all my questions regarding what to expect in the interview process as well.

If you want to jumpstart your career or need a reboot, then Justine is the person for you! I'll recommend her every time because that’s how impressive she is.

- Nico R., ADMU 2016, 3 job offers in 2 weeks, 7/7 cold emails sent got a reply back, final interview with top FMCG company

This IS the right program for you if you:  

✅ Are tired of getting rejections or worse, never receiving a reply about your multiple applications. You’ve been seriously looking for a while, and don’t want to trial and error things out on your own anymore.

✅ Understand English, especially as a 1st language. Though I understand Tagalog and Bisaya and Hiligaynon, I primarily speak in fast, slightly complex English. If you have difficulty in understanding that, but still want to work with me, please let me know in advance. That way we can work out how to accommodate our language difference. And I can slow down, plus use less slang and complex words.

✅ Know you need some strategy, guidance, and advice in your job hunt. You know you don’t have all the answers when it comes to presenting yourself effectively on paper. You don’t know how else you can edit your resume to get positive responses from potential employers you like. And you can’t afford to waste anymore time trying to figure it out on your own.

✅ Value yourself enough to make an investment in your job hunting strategy. There’ll be times you recognize that you’ll get better results faster, if you invest in learning from someone experienced. And for those who’ve worked with me, this has definitely been the case.  

“Ok, I’m in, what do I need to do?”  

If you agree with all of the above and you’re ready to take your job hunt to the next level with me…  

Please fill out this Google Form for us to set up a career clarity call! After filling it up, you’ll get the link to scheduling the call. You’ll also receive an email with full instructions on next steps (i.e. career clarity call, payment details, etc.)


💳 PHP15k or
💳 €300 / $300
If you’d like to pay it in installments, please let me know during our call.


💳 Pay nothing until you get hired
💳 Once you’re hired and salaried, pay 10% of your new salary for 5 months*

*There’s a discount given if you sign with your new job in < 3 months.

Other notable difference:

CUP - you set the timeline. If you want to take 15 months to finish the program, that’s fine with me.

ISA - ideally as fast as possible. Our goal is for you to land a job in < 90 days.


📒 4 Consulting Calls (60 mins each) ideally every 2 weeks over the course of 8 weeks

📕 Customized Curriculum based on what we discussed as your goals in the career clarity call

📒 6 Months Access to Corporate Career Climber, my ~4 hour course on end-to-end job hunting

📕 Lifetime Access to all 4 call recordings

📒 Unlimited Text Coaching in between sessions with a 24-hour turnaround time

Note that the most important part of this process is the career clarity call where we’ll discuss your goals and expectations, and I’ll outline what we have to do to reach your goals plus what your first homework is.

With that, I hope we get to talk soon! I’m excited to help you build a job hunting strategy that markets you amazingly~ And subsequently, land a job with maximum growth plus earnings potential that’s perfect for specifically you.


In case you have no idea where you are, I’m Justine, and you’re currently on TBC aka The Bumpy Career. Poke around, you might find something you like~

If you don’t know where to start, I’d say go to How to fix your resume in 1 hour since it’ll give you an idea of how we’ll edit your resume.

I came to Justine because I was in the midst of a career direction crisis and didn't know anything about the corporate world and the job hunt process. I really liked how she can take a big messy problem and methodically dissect it into bite-sized issues that we can address practically. She is straightforward and insightful --- she won't mince words just to make you feel better, which I really appreciated.

I also felt that she was genuinely rooting for me and was on my side during the entire process, and I would recommend the resume consultation service to people who also feel lost and need a mentor to encourage them take action instead of sitting paralyzed.

- Ji Hong, UP Diliman, freelance illustrator and graphic designer transitioning to corporate as a creative director


🙋Can we start immediately? And finish immediately?

Yup, so long as you do all your homework right away. We can do it in 3 days if you like, instead of the average 1 month. It really depends on your pace, as I assign quite a bit of homework, not just on the resume but also on the job hunting + self-reflection side. I hate when people come to calls with unfinished HW, so make sure you’re ready to fully commit to the work.

🙋Instead of job hunting consultation, can we swap it for a career consultation instead? Where we plan all my next moves but not execute it?

Yup, we can. The only difference from the job hunting consultation is in the homework I’ll give you.

It’ll be more of you doing research and presenting it to me, then me asking questions to check your logic, then us planning your next steps. I might ask you to still make a resume, but more for us to understand what skills and experiences you have presently.

🙋For CUP, can I make monthly payments instead of a 50% split?

Yes, just bring it up during our career clarity call.

🙋The price is a little too high for me, can I ask for a discount?

Think about it, if you get a Php15k post-tax salary increase, then you’ve made back exactly what you invested in 1 month. Not to mention the permanent exponential effects of increasing your salary by Php15k.

Php15k is an average salary increase for my students who are leaving their existing job. If you’re getting your first job with me, then your salary itself (which will probably be higher than average for your batch) will pay you back. The investment of working with me returns quickly.

🙋I graduated 10+ years ago, can I still apply for WWM-JHC?

Yes, we just need to discuss in the career clarity call what are your goals, what’s your current and previous experience, and what are your expectations of me.

I have wide experience working with older, more experienced, or already in senior positions (like directors and vice presidents) students, but us moving forward will depend on what are your goals and expectations coming into this.

I also have turned students away due to us not being aligned on goals and expectations, so don’t worry, we both will figure out if we’ll work together well.

Oldest student I’ve had was 43. Most experienced student I had was working for 12 years before they took a 7 year break to raise children.

🙋I’m in the medical / legal field, can I sign up for WWM-JHC?

I strongly advise not to if you are applying for jobs in the Philippines, especially if your field is more reliant on the mentor / mano-mano system. Better to spend that time networking for recommendations on where to apply. My suggestion is to speak with upperclassmen, people from same sorority or fraternity as you, or to professors instead.

If you are applying for a masters abroad though, then let’s work together on that!

🙋Can I see more testimonials from your previous students?

Sure sure, please check out my IG highlights for recent ones! I’m still currently fixing up the site so they’re not all up here yet. Weirdly enough, I’ve sent a lot of people into P&G. (So much so that some students send me a Christmas package from P&G products.)

Down below, I’ll add testimonials from my previous students when I can.

"I have a hard time expressing my ideas during interviews, most especially with behavioral interview questions. I actually already had a good CV which attracted HR and hiring managers to interview me.

But after more than 20 company interviews, I felt like I would never be able to get my first job, despite having many achievements during college and having an electronics engineer’s license.

So I sought Justine's help through her TBC resume consultation service and it was a blessing that I got to know her career blog 3 years ago. Justine helped me correct most of the mistakes I do during interviews and she guided me in organizing my ideas. She even gave me tips on how I can calm myself before, during, and after the interview and answer interview questions regarding salary expectations.

In just two months of doing everything she advised me for job interviews, I landed my first job as DevOps Engineer in one of the top IT companies in the Philippines. Not only is it my first job, but it is a role that I really love doing.

Justine is not only a career adviser, but also a friend and mentor who encouraged me to do my best during job interviews.

- Kyle Atendido, Don Bosco Technical College 2019, Junior DevOps Engineer

It was really difficult to find a job after quitting my previous job where I worked for only three months. I left because I didn’t find the growth I needed and how the job wasn’t for me. However, I was stereotyped to a typical milennial that quits because I just got bored/tired/impatient.

For a while, I got really down and started to lose my confidence in job hunting. This is when I decided to consult with Justine on my resume and how to go to interviews.

The templates she gave me were really great and it showcased my strengths. She guided my through the whole process of creating my resume. After that, she gave tons of useful advice for interviews about how I can properly answer and adapt to any situation.

Justine really gave me that boost of confidence to look for another job again. In the end, I got accepted to one of the top ICs companies in the world! Thank you Justine!

- A. Porta, Enverga University, supply chain planner

"Having recently graduated I've been at an impasse in terms of the direction I wanted to go specifically for my career! I knew that I had some skills and interests, but I didn't really know how I could leverage them into a job that I'd be happy in.

Given my state of my mind at the time, I felt the need to search for something or someone who could help put my mind at ease so I sought out Justine knowing that she provides consultation services to confused individuals like myself.

At first I wasn't sure what I'd actually get out of this experience, but after talking to Justine and going through her consultations I have come to be more confident in myself and my career prospects. Though at times she'd really grill me down, I believe her sheer honesty and lack of sugar coating really helped me in understanding how I can grow, and through what ways I can actually develop myself.

Overall I'd say it was a great experience, and I highly recommend Justine's consultations especially if you've found yourself in a position like myself."

- Rob Nazal, ADMU 2019, figuring what to do now

"During my senior year, I barely knew anything about applying for a job, from making sure my resume and portfolio stand out to answering interview questions properly. Because that worried me, I signed up for Justine's Work with Me-Resume Consultation.

For 2 months, I had 6 phone calls with Justine, who helped fix my resume and structure my portfolio. She also gave me advice on how to approach interview questions and shorten my answers.

Beyond the resume consultations she provides, Justine isn't afraid of being honest with me — she points out my areas of improvement and suggests ways on how I can work on them. If there's anything Justine said that helped me the most, it's having a positive mindset before an interview.

I applied this to my interviews and did 10 times better than I had imagined — I felt relaxed and articulated my thoughts clearly. Thanks to Justine, I landed a job at First Circle and am now working there as a Product Designer. "

- Frances To, ADMU 2019, Product Designer at First Circle

"Justine not only provided me with crucial advice for my graduate school application, she also became one of my most supportive friends throughout the entire process. Applying to my dream school turned me into an anxious mess. However, she helped me put things into perspective and reassured me that I already had everything I needed; I just needed to market myself better.

The statement of purpose is one of the most important requirements; it gives you a voice to set yourself apart from other applicants. Justine reminded me to tell my story: Who is Mon Sato? How can her previous background and experiences contribute to their incoming class? How can she improve society after graduation?

Justine guided me through journey of introspection—of knowing what I really want to do with my life and made me realize that I could do anything I set my mind to. I am now working two Research Assistant positions at Georgetown University's Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service after completing my first semester. Classes resume at the end of this month and I cannot wait to head back."

- Monica Michiko Sato, ADMU 2017, M.A. Candidate in Security Studies, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C.

"Way before I even graduated, I had already set my sights on a specific company I wanted to apply in. Justine’s services was the key to marketing my resume into the perfect applicant for the open position I was aiming for. My biggest challenge back then was how best to translate my experiences into key highlights and being able to express them in the interview. But for Justine, this was as easy as letting me follow her steps and suggestions. Thanks to her services, I was completely sure that I was going to get the job offer that I only sent my resume to this one company.

I had full confidence in Justine’s skills to filter my skills and to present them in the best way possible. Thanks to her consultations and follow-ups, I felt that I was fully prepared for the interview months before I even sent out my resume.

True enough, thanks to her help the panel of interviewers I had immediately decided to hire me on that day. When I asked them what was their deciding factor, each of them gave me the following response. First was how my resume template stood out among the rest they received, which Justine suggested I don’t use the standard template. Second was how well-rounded my background was, with her suggestion to highlight my Thesis, Org work, and Corporate Internship on the resume. Finally on how I connected both my minors (English Literature and Decision Science) to the work that was expected of me: which is to understand the narrative of information, and to be able to interpret and explain the company’s data to others. All of which I credit Justine for helping me prepare for the interviews with.

I would attest that her system worked perfectly for me. Her systematic and logical approach paired with her personal face-to-face meetings made sure that there were no questions I couldn’t answer and no scenario I wasn’t prepared for during the interview. I highly recommend her products and services to everyone seeking to improve themselves. From those who have no idea where to start up to those who want have specific goals in mind, Justine has answers and suggestions for them all."

- Mendel M., ADMU 2017, got into my dream company

"I credit Justine for helping me get into my job now at a top local bank. She really helped clean up my resume while I was job-hunting months after graduating.

Her insightful and effective comments helped me think from the perspective of a hiring manager. I promise you — after I sent out the resume that she cleaned up, I ended up getting more follow-ups from various companies in 1 week than I got from 3 months of job hunting on my own.

Forever grateful to Justine for all the assistance she extended to me during such a tough point in my life — job hunting straight out of college.

- Paolo C., ADMU 2017, Trade Finance Assistant