I’d love to hear from you! The best way to get in touch is to fill out the form or write mail@thebumpycareer.com directly.
I try my best to reply to every email as soon as I can but with family, friends, work, running the blog, and helping my students reach their career goals, it isn’t always easy.
I guarantee though, that if you reached out to tell me thank you or how the blog’s helped you, you’ll hear back from me personally.
If you don’t hear back within 72 hours, feel free to follow up. If you still don’t hear back, it’s possibly because your question was answered in the FAQ below.
Need career or job hunting advice? Check out the blog, or let’s work together!
Need business or marketing advice? Shoot me an email about working together and I’ll let you know if I’m offering coaching services!
Just want to send some love or a testimonial? Know that you’ve made my day instantly! Email me or DM me anytime~ knowing how I’ve helped you achieve your goals is my favorite thing to receive and gives me the energy I need to keep going 💞
Frequently Asked Questions
I’d love to interview Justine for my blog, podcast, thesis, research, or other project. Are you available?
Thank you for your interest! I do not do interviews that require me to type out responses in which I’m practically writing everything out for you. I do, however, love talking so audio and video interviews are great for me! Please fill out the contact form below or email mail@thebumpycareer.com with more details so we can determine if it’ll be a good fit.
If you’d like me to be a speaker or panelist for your event, please present me with 1 – 3 clear topic ideas via my contact form as well.
I think my product or service or event would be a great fit for TBC’s audience. How do I get in touch?
Feel free to fill up the form or email me about it and let’s get on a call to see if it’s perfect for TBC!
I’ve sent more than 1 email but haven’t heard back. Why hasn’t anyone responded?
Thanks so much for your email! I try not to let email run my life, so to keep things simple, I only read and (sometimes) respond to emails that address me by name and aren’t big chunks of text with no clear question. So if you write Justin or TBG, I don’t generally reply.
And if your email is a novella about your problems in life, I will most likely divert you to a therapist instead because I am not a licensed professional counselor.
If your email does not fall within those parameters but you still haven’t heard back after following up, message me on LinkedIn or Instagram or Twitter. TBC is here to support your growth and dreams, and sometimes email is not the best platform to do that!
I’m interested in working with Justine via coaching, but I can’t afford the investment right now. Do you offer payment plans?
I’m so excited that you want to work with me! Know that I appreciate your trust in me and that we are going to get you in the best possible situation we can.
Please send me an email regarding what kind of coaching you’re looking to get, be it about job hunting, salary negotiating, relocating, etc. If you’re looking for results, but you have a small budget, let’s see what else you can possibly do to make up the cost. Alternatively, you can save for a few months, and I’ll be ready for you when you book your call!
Sending in a Message
If you want to turn in your question or comments anonymously, please see the Google Form at the bottom of this page! It’s TBC’s Anonymous Question Counter
For those who’d like a reply back: