Ad agencies starting salaries in the Philippines? - #DearTBC


Hey Justine, would you know how much is the salary (entry level) in the big advertising agencies?

Justine: Yup, but for the purpose of it not being easily googled, I posted a YouTube video of the answer.

Contents of the video’s super simple. It's 5 mins of me talking about ad agencies salary, taxes, what it's like in there on a high-level. I’ve never worked in an ad agency but a lot of my friends have, so their experiences are what I’m relating on camera.

Here's the link to the video on Youtube: 

And if you’ve got anymore questions for me, drop them into TBC’s Anonymous Question Counter.

Hi! I’m Justine

I’m the founder and writer of all things in The Bumpy Career and welcome to #DearTBC, a slot for really specific career-related questions that you’re worrying about, but you’re not quite sure who you can turn to. We answer in-depth so that anyone else who’s never wondered but wants to know, will know what to do next.

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