So you’ve built an amazing resume. Congrats! Half the battle’s over. Now you have the even worst task ahead: writing cover letters for all your job applications. This was the part I hated most because you have to make unique ones for every company you apply to. No spray and pray allowed here. A generic cover letter should be expected, but some places find it a turn off, so guess we have to make a nice, new one every single time.
No need to worry about spending all that effort though since I’ve cracked the PH’s cover letters formulaic template and written it down all for you! In the QuiCL, you will find everything you need to know to make impactful cover letters. I’m talking long novellas, short to-the-point-ers, “why I’m the best fit for the job”, and 2 more! I also share inside how to catch the attention of hiring managers from your email alone. Whatever the job, the QuiCL will help you adapt and adjust to what they’re looking for.
To be announced
“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur hendrerit a orci eu ullamcorper. Phasellus vel massa a arcu molestie convallis at eget urna. Nam dapibus dolor vel leo fringilla, tincidunt tincidunt risus convallis. Vivamus malesuada feugiat venenatis. Phasellus ullamcorper eros lectus, eget imperdiet massa tempor vitae. Vestibulum a dictum elit, vitae egestas mi. Ut ornare sapien ut turpis mollis, at tincidunt tortor imperdiet.”
You want to find other ways to make yourself stand out beyond your resume
There are things not on your resume that you want potential employers to know about you
You’re ready to write your own cover letters, and willing to personalize them for each job you’re applying for
You don’t like /are really lazy to read - This is all in PDFs and Word docs. And it’s kind of a lot. If you feel like you won’t finish it, I really suggest you don’t buy it. I tried to be short with what I wrote but still. There was a lot of ground to cover
You don’t do homework if it doesn’t get checked - Nobody is going to check your work so this is really not for you if you are not motivated enough to use it. I mean, thanks for buying it but dude, please use it too
You are expecting a perfect cover letter template for you - I give you options, and you must take them and customize for yourself. Please apply critical thinking. If you are here, it means you are smart enough to have found this page. I have high hopes for you. Go out there and exceed them
“Honestly, before being introduced to the project I didn’t know how to write a cover letter and I avoided internship and job applications that necessitated CV writing, thinking that I’d always mess it up. Now, I think I can confidently and comfortably start sending companies my cover letter. My favourite piece of advice was this: ‘Don’t underestimate consequences. Manila’s small. Word gets around. People are crazy. Stay alert. Don’t send wrong emails.’”
You’ll be starting with the guidebook, which will be your main resource from start to finish.
It’s not enough to discuss how to do it, so I’ll also be showing you how it’s done. Not only are there examples of good cover letters using various writing structures, but I also added in bad ones that I edited later on to look better. You’ll see the before-and-after changes inside.
I have some worksheets for you to use in the beginning, starting exercises that help you learn how to connect what you have with what the company wants. Answering these before you start writing will really help you flesh out the content of your letter.
“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur hendrerit a orci eu ullamcorper. Phasellus vel massa a arcu molestie convallis at eget urna. Nam dapibus dolor vel leo fringilla, tincidunt tincidunt risus convallis. Vivamus malesuada feugiat venenatis. Phasellus ullamcorper eros lectus, eget imperdiet massa tempor vitae. Vestibulum a dictum elit, vitae egestas mi. Ut ornare sapien ut turpis mollis, at tincidunt tortor imperdiet.”
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin et lectus at mauris maximus ultricies. Sed a risus finibus mauris consectetur pharetra eget eget augue. Duis pharetra, ipsum eu porttitor convallis, nisl orci imperdiet enim, vitae convallis mauris ipsum eget risus. Nam id tincidunt turpis. Fusce non molestie nisl, eget blandit mi. Cras at orci ac ante aliquet dapibus eget ac tortor. Cras ornare scelerisque nisi nec tempor. Vestibulum id ligula ac neque hendrerit lacinia. Morbi interdum sodales mi vel placerat. Cras ultrices vel erat ut sodales. Quisque porta eros non mi sagittis blandit eget a est.